Bush Magazine is an arts magazine by women, for women. We’re seeking female artists and writers for all kinds of content. Below is our wish list, along with what we definitely aren’t looking for. But if you have an idea that isn’t mentioned here, please feel free to pitch it to us! Ideas for recurring segments are welcome, too. Keep in mind that our primary interest is giving space to female artistic expression: art, photography and writing depicting women or voicing a female perspective. We are especially interested in the work of women from around the globe, women of color, and lesbians.
To submit to Bush Magazine, please send a cover letter to editor@bushmagazine.com along with samples of your work in the relevant medium or genre. If the samples aren’t fully representative of the proposed submission, please also send a pitch describing the work you’d like to do for our magazine.
Wish List:
Art. Depictions of women, expressions of a female perspective, or any other art by a female artist. Oil, watercolor, drawing, collage, street art, and other mediums are acceptable. Art can be realistic or abstract. Outsider art will be considered. We’d also like a piece suitable for our website banner.
Photography. We’re open to fashion photography and artistic photography featuring women or topics of interest to women.
An artistic photographic pictorial of a lesbian couple. Have you seen this spread in issue 7 of Puss Puss, entitled “The Lovebirds”? We’d love something like this. Nudity is by no means required, but something artistic and depicting sensual, loving or domestic interaction is desired. You may enlist your own models (with proof of legal age and model releases) or we can try to match you up with models that we find.
Models. Female models for fashion and artistic photography. No previous experience necessary.
Vagina art. This could be in the form of painting, drawing, sculpture, jewelry, textiles, or just about any medium.
Short fiction. Female-authored, female-centric.
Creative nonfiction. For an idea of what we love, see Naked by Alyssa Quinn, featured in the online magazine Brevity.
Biographies of women, especially if they are artists, writers or artisans. The subject does not need to be well-known. A biography of a self-sufficient Appalachian widow could be fascinating.
A graphic artist who can head up our creative direction and make our pages look super slick. We’d also like to see ideas for a logo design.
What we aren’t looking for:
Bush Magazine is an arts magazine. As such, we aren’t looking for expressly political content. We can imagine running something like a photography collection of feminist graffiti in Argentina. But we wouldn’t run, for example, an op-ed on the Equality Act. It’s not that we don’t care about such things; it’s just that our focus is art.
We don’t want photos or art depicting men. We don’t want writing featuring male protagonists or prominent male characters.
We’re not looking for crafty stuff. We might make an exception for vagina-themed or highly skilled work.
Digital art (including heavily modified photography) is unlikely to capture our attention, unless it is exceptional.
We aren’t interested in visual or written work that crosses the line from erotic to sexually explicit (we realize there can be a fine line). We don’t want representations of BDSM.